Hello! My name is Brianna Ary and I am a senior at Saint Louis University. I am majoring Communications with a focus in Public Relations and minoring in Spanish. I am on the executive board for SLU’s PRSSA chapter and in the Communications honor society Psi Theta. Outside of class, I am an avid concert-goer, runner, baker, and coffee-enthusiast. Along with working with the Fabulous Fox, I am currently a College Ambassador for Allied Integrated Marketing under the Disney Studios branch. In the past, I have worked with STL Sitter as one of their Marketing Interns. This past summer, I worked as the Event Marketing Intern for Chicago Special Events Management, where I helped plan festivals and events in downtown Chicago, such as Pride Fest/Parade, the Taste of Lincoln Ave., and much more.
1. Why are you excited about becoming a Fox Marketing intern?
In my lifetime, I have been lucky enough to go to as many as forty concerts. Therefore, it has always been my dream to combine my passion of live shows and live productions with my career ambitions. I’ve always wanted to do work with a specific venue, especially a venue as historic and beautiful as the Fabulous Fox.
2. Tell us about the first theatrical performance you saw?
The first theatrical performance I ever witnessed was my high school’s production of “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.” My friends and I went to see it for someone else’s tenth birthday and I remember being amazed by the costumes, singing, dancing, and the overall atmosphere. It was my first time ever seeing a live performance of anything and I was hooked for life.
3. If you could see any performance at the Fox, what would you choose?
It’s a tough tie between Les Miserables and Grease. I have always loved the costumes and musical numbers in Les Mis, but something about the story is absolutely timeless. On the other hand, Grease has been one of my favorite musicals for as long as I can remember. Rizzo is and will always be my role model.
4. What show are you most excited about this season at the Fox? Why?
Looking back at my previous answer, it’s obvious I have to say Les Miserables. Although I’ve seen so many different live productions of the show, I have never gotten to see it on a professional stage. So you can imagine my excitement when I found out I actually get the opportunity to promote the show at the Fox.
5. What do you think is the most Fabulous thing about St. Louis?
There’s a lot of things I think are fabulous about St. Louis, but I think my favorite thing is the diversity of each of the neighborhoods. No matter what area you go to within the city, they each have their own atmosphere with different restaurants, people, stores, and attractions. One of my biggest passions in life is exploring cities and the cultures within them and St. Louis does not disappoint.