My name is Jessica Cary and I am the spring 2017 Marketing Intern for the Fabulous Fox Theatre! I am a current junior at Saint Louis University, where I am studying Public Relations with a minor in Marketing. Some of my hobbies outside of school include cooking, hiking, and all things sports and musicals related. I am originally from the Chicago suburbs, so my favorite thing to do in my free time is root for the Chicago Blackhawks. A little bit about my previous internship experience: Last summer, I began a two-year Street Marketing and Gameday Intern position with the Blackhawks. And just this past fall I started as a Recruitment Intern in the Office of Admission at my university. This semester, however, all of my attention is focused on my internship with the Fox!
Why are you excited about becoming a Fox Marketing intern?
Growing up I was very involved in my school’s theatre department and it was always a part of my daily life. Coming to college, the Fox was the way I continued my involvement with theatre, seeing as many shows as I could each season. Now, as a junior in college, I’m very excited to really bring theatre back into my daily life through this internship with the Fox. Going along with that, I’m definitely beginning to prepare myself for the “real world,” and that means obtaining as much experience in the field that I can. I’m eager to learn more about the Public Relations and Marketing world and to take what I’ve learned in school thus far and apply it. Overall, I am just excited about all of the wonderful opportunities this internship has to offer. I can already tell after being here for just one month that I will really grow during my time at the Fox.
Tell us about the first theatrical performance you saw?
Being from the suburbs of Chicago, I was very lucky growing up and got to see a lot of Broadway in Chicago productions. From Legally Blonde to Billy Elliot to Book of Mormon to Newsies and eventually Hamilton, I was one happy kid. I believe the first professional theatrical performance I ever saw was Legally Blonde. I was a huge fan before I even saw the show so I, of course, went in knowing every line to every song and dreaming of attending Harvard Law. But the show still managed to surprise me and wow me! I was only 12 years old but I immediately gained a sense of appreciation for the actors, the orchestra, and the crew and all they have to do just to put on a 2 hour show. Going to the theatre is such a special occasion for so many people and I could really tell that the cast recognized that and made it an amazing experience for everyone there.
If you could see any performance at the Fox, what would you choose?
My original answer was Hamilton, but since that is scheduled to come to the Fox next season, I’d have to say Les Misérables. It is one of my all-time favorite musicals and I’ve never gotten the chance to see a Broadway production or National Tour production of it. I’ve seen two high school productions and have been blown away, so the bar is set high!
What show are you most excited about this season at the Fox? Why?
The show I am most excited about this season at the Fox is The Lion King! I have never been a huge fan of animated movies but I have always loved The Lion King, and it’s probably because of the amazing score. I have almost every single song memorized but I’ve never gotten the chance to see it on stage. It seems like such a huge production, in terms of set, cast, etc., so I cannot wait to experience it for the first time!
What do you think is the most Fabulous thing about St. Louis?
The most fabulous thing about STL, in my opinion, would have to be all of the different neighborhoods. Each one provides you with a different experience every single time you go. My personal favorite, because I am a hardcore foodie, would have to be Central West End. It’s easy to get to from SLU’s campus and I have a goal of trying every single restaurant in CWE before I graduate college.